Sunday, October 3, 2010

"Untitled" by Matthew Questionmark

Matthew Questionmark, stepped up to the Chance Operations open-mic at the Chance Operations reading at Duff's on September 27. Also reading were Tiffany Mayet, Erin Goss, and Spit-Fire.

The featured readers at the September 27 Chance Operations reading at Duff's were Sean Arnold, Julia Gordon-Bramer and Byron Lee.

Dave Stone performed improvisations on saxophone and alto clarinet before and after the featured readers and following the open-mic.

The next Chance Operations reading will be Monday, October 25. Featured readers to be announced. Music interludes by Learn, Artist!

see the difference in your defense
cloaking your dagger
knives the dark toothed fear
this mortal wound!
no time like the present
giving dirt for love
boxes of scorched hair scattered along your highways
making you have a three-toothed smile
as your mouth hits the pavement
this is as real as it gets
monetary notes flutter from your flatulence
pictures of jesus wearing skinny jeans
on the cover of your rolling stones
his hair all echo'd by bunnymen
!these great purveyors of modern times!
witnesses cream their corn
grope their mothers
scream and fall to the floors
pissing themselves with epileptic fervor
you cover these counts with your dirt
and say meaningless words
looking upward into the skyless stars
why do you cry when you have a cravecase to eat?
why do you cry when radiohead hasn't broken up yet?
grope your remorse
knives in your hot piss box
making mamma scream for pestilence
hip new screeching bounces in yer brain
this immortal world!
lava as blood!
trees are cunts!
let them suffocate from meat farts and factory toxins!
just sit there gumming your iphone
like a giant sour gummy worm
lazarus rises from behind the couch
only to blow his brains out five minutes later
teevee flashes before you
test patterns
indian head fades to allah
then to obama
screen goes black
the muffled weeping commences.

-- Matthew Questionmark

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